AG UCM Records

soul, transmit the meaning - to play music that is alive - one needs to not only recognize, experience, and convey the soul of every tone, you must rise above all those phenomenon and actually speak the composer’s intended language - to verbalize the musical work so that it can be experienced in all its depths of emotion on a conscious and intellectual basis. Only then can a performer say, “I understand the music.” Only through such a deep and innate understanding of music can one give it life, and convey it to people through performance.
I felt compelled to open my own publishing house in order to record and promote such important music, performed in the way that I feel, that I know, it must be done, as long as only I can do it. My mature knowledge, cultural awareness, and skillful capabilities at this stage give me the opportunity to consciously create music that is brought reborn to life, music made recreated as once again alive for all. My recordings from now on are no longer just technical artistic performances, but living music itself that thrives within the fully aware mind/spirit; transmitted literally through my hands, a modern medium, sharing my unique musical understanding with listeners.
I no longer create illusions nor do I make records any longer of "performances on instruments" - rather, music itself lives on, furthered by my recordings. That's the sum of why I had to open a new publishing house - so that I could offer up, and pass on, live conscious music, to people that need it to conquer the cultural consciousness, to comfort, and to creatively warm the hearts, of a wanting world.
Andrei Gavrilov
Life! What could be more important and beautiful than life! A fully measured perfusion of life, the greatest rewards of which are the joys of deep feeling, and thought. The pursuits of this joy, and the thirst for love, are never fully quenched. For this reason, one can never get enough of the wonderful music that inspires or engenders such feelings.
If one’s Life is not lived immersed in beauty, suffused with meaning, and aesthetically fulfilled, one isn’t living. The ideal of such a full life is made most possible by celebrating culture, a principal component of which is music. When I play a piece, I introduce music from the soul of its creator, the composer, as if it were being played freshly by, or under the direct supervision of him or her, for the first time - a performance which literally transmits through my hands the music and its message from the creativity of the composer’s heart to the wanting listener’s heart via my own. My spiritual and soulful knowledge of, and symbiotically developed connection to, the composer comes from my years of studying the analytics, the cultural history, the society of the music’s author. Additionally, I want to expand the full measure of one’s listening experience beyond the concert hall, and into the physical environs of everyday life: at home, on vacation, in any setting.
“But there are already numerous entries on various media,” many would say. But I say that this music’s life force, its ability to transmit the joy of life in all its measures, is deadened in these present incarnations. To preserve the