The events of recent years have shown the monstrous infantilism of people not only in the sick post-Soviet society, but everywhere in the world. People do not understand elementary things, like the mechanisms and nature of power. They do not understand and do not see the simplest manipulations of their consciousness.
They have no idea about simplest mechanisms and nature of the functioning of those whom they call "celebrities". They do not see and understand the essence of people, they do not understand either music or art, despite the vast useless knowledge that educational institutions and society fill them with.
They do not see the truth, tending to almost unconditionally trust blatant lies. They take propaganda for truth, truth for propaganda. They reject the truth and are afraid of it, believing that the truth is dangerous or, at least, too "alarming". They call the most normal and sober truthful people crazy. Scoundrels and stupid people inspire confidence in them.
They still do not understand that "celebrities" from totalitarian countries are ordinary criminals, most ridicule functionaries and bloody servants of the criminal system, mediocrity by default, due to the completely natural selection of "celebrities" in countries where there is no freedom and democracy. They do not distinguish the living from the dead, preferring the dead, because they are afraid and do not understand the living.
What to do with all this is not at all clear, not at all. How can I play for these people "smart music" when they don't want to understand anything, including the music they "listen" and "analyzing", not understanding a thing? In the center of the essence of billions of these headless people sticks out like a stalk in a cabbage head - "ego".
The ego of subjectless people who do not want to become enlightened, confident in their "rightness" always and everywhere. In which false confidence replaces their deep and incurable inferiority complex, which they carry with them from birth to death. Self-affirming by denying the truth, and persecuting justice and reason. There will never be light among such race, never. Before they radically change.
AG <3