Today, almost all Russian-speaking scum all over the world are rapists against other people's thoughts, in the absence of their own, of course. What infuriates them most is the dignity and self-confidence of a person who does not need their "approval". That is, individual and collective violence based on inferiority complex, not to mention genetically criminal way of thinking. So, the lack of freedom and natural violence there is much deeper than anyone can imagine. At the genetic and subconscious level. They are completely genetically mentally sick in a sadistic way. Very dangerous "nation". Therefore, even hypothetical "talks" about the "Russia of the future" have no ground. Russia has no chance for healthy life in the foreseeable future. Humanoid beings with the consciousness of criminals and rapists have no present and no future until they are changed by nature. 🙂
AG ❤
I was in Russia in 2010 visiting my sister in St. Petersburg. The hatred of everyone for everyone just hangs in the air. It’s hard to breathe and you want to wash yourself after going out into the city. I can imagine what's there now.
Absolutely! Thank you, our dear AG.